I’d like to pee up your leg

Those were the delightful and profound words of Martin Goldstein after the New York judge asked him to comment before he was sentenced.

Such was the toilet humour of the unsavoury gang member and one of the lead hitmen in Murder Inc, that it was hardly surprising the jury found against the hardened criminal.

‘Bugsy’ as he was known, had originally led the notorious Mafia gang, but he deferred to the likes of Lepke Buchalter who later took the reins. But the gang’s cover was blown after a fellow hitman spilled the murderous beans in return for a reprieve. The grass blew the lid on the whole tawdry operation and out crawled all the low-lifes embroiled in the crime-ridden set-up.

Of course, Goldstein was one such depraved individual – he was found guilty of murder and saw out his days at Sing Sing before having a fatal date with Old Sparky, aged about 36.